Lemon SlicePrint Recipe

Dear Lemon Slice, 

You always put a smile on my face. How is it that you are so delicious? Each piece I have of your buttery biscuit base and your dense and luscious lemon topping sends me over the edge. Even your vibrant yellow colour drives me wild. Don’t go changing. xx

It was a cold and wintery Canberra day and my daughters decided they wanted to do some baking. I was thinking of some sort of biscuit or cookie but Lucy saw this Lemon Slice recipe and could not be persuaded otherwise. Not that I was complaining – I love lemons and I love cooking with lemons – lemons are in fact, a staple in our household.

It was very quick and easy to make and a great little something to serve at a morning or afternoon tea – or for a moment (or many moments) of indulgence.

½ cup of castor sugar
1 ¼ cups of plain (all purpose) flour
120 grams/4 ounces butter
1 tablespoon of milk

1 ½ tablespoons of corn flour (cornstarch)
2/3 cup heavy cream
6 eggs
1 ¾ cups of castor sugar
1 ½ tablespoons finely grated lemon rind
¾ cup lemon juice

Preheat the oven to 170 c (330 f). Process the sugar, flour, butter and milk in a food processor until the mixture comes together. Press into a 8” x 12” slice tin lined with non stick baking paper. Bake for approximately 25 minutes or until golden brown.

Whisk together the corn flour and 3 tablespoons of the cream until you have a smooth paste. Then add the remaining cream, eggs, sugar, lemon rind and lemon juice. Place this into a saucepan and cook over a low heat, whisking continually until the mixture thickens. Pour this over the cooked base and place back in the oven for a further 5 minutes or until the topping is set. Cool in the tin and cut into slices.

Notes: I thought these may go well with scones, brownies and chicken sandwiches – a nice little high tea combination.

Source: Donna Hay recipe in Modern Classics 2

© 2010, Michelle. All rights reserved.

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2 Responses to Lemon Slice

  1. kimmy says:

    it’s in the oven , just licked the topping bowl, oh what a treat this slice will be! I had a couple of questions:

    do you line the whole tray, not just the base and do you think if I’m using a silicon slice tray I could probably not line??

    when processing the base, is it ready when it’s still sort of crumb like, or should it be firmer together?

    I was surprised how long the topping took to thicken – but we know I am impatient – maybe I had too low or maybe I just need to work on my patience?

    thanks honey, off to make pumpkin lasagne now

    • Michelle says:

      pumpkin lasagne – that sounds good!
      i wouldn’t worry about lining the tray if its silicone based – but if not, line only the base. I have lined the entire base and sides before but it just makes it more difficult getting it out nicely. Re the base – crumb like is good – shouldn’t be firmer together at all.
      And yes, the topping takes a while to thicken.
      PS Enjoy!

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